SRC/SLM/slm_vars.f90 In the land surface model initialization subroutine slm_init(), the land temperature array used in radiation computations initializes the array sstxy without subtracting the base temperature of 273K. As a result, the LW radiation subroutine at the very first radiation call at timestep 1 produces completely incorrect results. The array is overwritten with correct values at the next step, but the spike in IR fluxes can cause perturbations in the land temperature that are inaccurate. Even though the effect is short-lived (which is why the bug was not obvious), it should be fixed. To fix the bug, change the following lines: line 322: change use vars, only: sstxy, sstxy0, tabs0 to use vars, only: sstxy, t00, sstxy0, tabs0 line 1057-1059: change sstxy(i,j) = snowt(i,j) else sstxy(i,j) = soilt(1,i,j) to sstxy(i,j) = snowt(i,j)-t00 else sstxy(i,j) = soilt(1,i,j)-t00 ======================================================================================= SGS_TKE: corrected inconsistency for computation of molecular viscosity and conductivity fluxes at walls in DNS mode. affected fiiles: diffuse_mom3D_DNS.f90 diffuse_scalar3D_DNS.f90 sgs.f90 ====================================================================================== SRC/SGS_TKE/sgs.f90 error in index that may cause instability of diffusion in some cases, the array ady may go beying its defined indexes. was: cy = dtn/(dy*min(ady(j),ady(j-YES3D)))**2 should be: cy = dtn/(dy*min(ady(j),ady(j+YES3D)))**2